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(i)             The club shall be known as NEWARK NORTHERN BOWLS CLUB

(ii)            The green and club headquarters shall be located at SHERWOOD AVENUE.PARK



(i)             The club shall administered by a committee of nine members and shall include the following     




                                                    Ladies Secretary

                                                    Fixture Secretary

                                                    Four members from the floor


(iii) Officers of the club and committee shall be elected at the AGM and shall remain in office for one year , during which time they may co-opt and other member to fill a vacancy which may arise


(iv) No committee meeting shall be valid unless all committee members have been given days notice by the Hon. Secretary.  Five members shall form a quorum…


(v) Any committee member missing four consecutive meetings will be deemed no longer a functional member (Unless extenuating circumstances, notified in writing to the Hon.Secretary, be relevant) In such cases, Paragraph (iii) re:- administration will be invoked                                                                                 



(i) The clubs financial year shall run from January 1st  to December 31st




(i) The  A.G.M. of members shall be held during each year for the purpose of:-


(a) Electing officers and committee for the ensuing year

(b) Receiving duly audited accounts of the club

(c) Appointment of two scrutineer!s for ensuing year

(d) Any other business


 (ii) The Hon Secretary shall give a minimum of  TWENTY ONE Days notice

of the Annual General Meeting


(iii) The committee may convene an extraordinary meeting at any time. A minimum  of seven days notice for such a meeting shall be given to all members

An extraordinary general meeting may also be called upon the written               

Application of twelve members. The application shall state the reason for Requesting such a meeting




(i) Subscriptions shall be confirmed at the annual general meeting

(ii) Annual subscriptions are due at the commencement of each playing season.

(iii) Application for membership of the club shall be through an existing member. a  seconder will be required to sign the application form. Applicants will then be considered at the next committee meeting, they must be supported by a two thirds majority of the committee.

(iv) Members will not be eligible to participate in the facilities provided by the club if subscriptions are not paid by MAY 1st

(v) Any member in default in respect of payment of subscriptions by September 30th shall be deemed no longer a member of the club and will not be considered for re-election at any future date




(i) The green manager has the full authority to decide whether the green or any part of it is fit for play, bearing in mind the continuing good condition of the green

(ii) The committee hall have full power to issue any order for the proper regulating of the use of any club property and equipment and for the management thereof

(iii) The committee may order the repair and or replacement and require and member to pay the cost incurred should the member have caused the damage or loss

(iv) A charge will be made for each individual visitor of £1 per hour played.




(i) A reasonable standard of dress and behaviour will be maintained at all times

(ii) Members are not allowed to play in a game representing the club unless they  are wearing a club shirt (white shirt or blouse in designated matches) with grey trousers or skirt

(iii) Members are expected to equip themselves with the accepted bowling shoes and to wear them at all times on the bowling green

(iv) Members using bowls, jacks, mats etc. or any other club property, must return the item to the club house immediately after use and in a clean condition         


(v) The use of bad language is prohibited at all times

(vi) The green is for the use of members equally and the booking of rinks in advance is only permissible when requiring a rink for club or county competition.

(vii) Any member refusing to comply with the decision of the committee over such matters shall receive one weeks notice from the committee and if he or she still refuses compliance, he or she shall have their membership withdrawn and forfeit their subscription



(i) If any dispute shall arise upon the green or if and member misconduct themselves the aggrieved parties shall report the incident to the committee, whose decision will be final




(i) In all competitions promoted by the club, play shall be governed by the laws of bowls as laid down in the currant year books of the E.B.A. and E.B.F. associations




(i) Any member wishing to resign from the club must give written notice of such to the Hon Secretary, Only then will any future re-application be considered.




(i) It is required that all senior members participate in the club monthly draw at a minimum contribution of one pound  (£1) per calendar month




(i) All members shall  be notified that a copy of these rules will be displayed on the club Notice board at all times

(ii) Notice of any alteration to rules shall be handed to the secretary two weeks prior to the A.G.M. or E.G.M.

(iii) No rules shall be made or altered except at such meetings and then only after due notice of such alterations has been given to each member


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